artist's statement


Kolor w malarstwie fascynuje mnie, ponieważ jest budulcem nastroju. Gdziekolwiek jestem, zwracam uwagę na światło, barwę i to oddziałuje na moją sztukę, Podążam moją własną drogą i jestem przekonana, że jest to droga właściwa. W głowie utkwiły mi słowa wybitnego malarza, Józefa Hałasa, które w mojej ocenie oddają sedno sprawy. "(...) Malarzowi przede wszystkim potrzebna jest wrażliwość. To nie musi być wrażliwość ukierunkowana plastycznie, ale w ogóle - wrażliwość na  świat. Natura jest ważna. W naturze jest wszystko, tylko trzeba to odkryć. Tu muszę dodać: malarstwa się nie wymyśla, do malarstwa się dochodzi. (...)" Myślę, że to jest kwintesencja sztuki prawdziwej, wartościowej, sztuki autentycznej, poprzedzonej długimi przemyśleniami, procesem poznawczym, ciężką pracą i nie obliczonej tylko na efekt.



Color in painting fascinates me because it is a mood-building element. Wherever I am, I pay attention to light, color and this affects my art. I follow my own path and I am convinced that it is the right path. The words of the outstanding painter, Józef Hałas, stuck in my head, which in my opinion reflect the essence of the matter. "(...) Above all, a painter needs sensitivity. It doesn't have to be artistically oriented sensitivity, but in general - sensitivity to the world. Nature is important. There is everything in nature, you just have to discover it. (...)" I think that this is the quintessence of true, valuable art, authentic art, preceded by long reflections, cognitive process, hard work and not calculated only for the effect.



Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska w 2012 r. ukończyła studia dyplomem z wyróżnieniem (Dyplom Roku) na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu z zakresu malarstwa sztalugowego w pracowni prof. Janusza Jaroszewskiego, oraz z zakresu multimediów w pracowni prof. Pawła Jarodzkiego. 


W 2017 r. na tej samej uczelni uzyskała stopień doktora sztuk plastycznych w pracowni malarstwa prof. Zdzisława Nitki. Uczestniczka licznych wystaw krajowych i zagranicznych, sympozjów artystycznych oraz plenerów malarskich.



Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska graduated with distiction from the Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw (Poland) (main field of study : Painting) and received her Masters in Fine Arts in 2012.

On 2017 Master of Arts Albertyna received the degree of Doctor of Fine Arts in the discipline of fine arts. She runs therapeutic art sessions, creative work with chlidren and adults. But first and foremost she is a paitner. Her works can be found in private collections in Canada, USA, Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Czech Republic, Norway, Malta, Poland. )

Selection of Individual exhibitions 

  • 25  April 2024 - 25 May 2024 - Solo exhibition of paintings, "Landscapes of my everyday life" , Gallery OKSiR in Wisznia Mała, Poland.
  • 17 February 2022 - 12 April 2022 - Solo exhibition of paintings, "Iceland's horizons" Gallery PIK, OCK, Ostrow Wlkp. Poland.
  • 5 August 2021 - 17 August 2021 - Solo exhibition of paintings, Klub Stara Przepompownia, Ostrow Wlkp. Poland.
  • 1 November 2019 - 31 January 2020 -  Solo exhibition of paintings ,  AKucharskiArt Kunst & Persönlichkeit in cooperation with Wandsbeker Quarree • Hamburg, Germany.      
  • 14 December 2018 - 4 January 2019 Solo exhibition of paintings, WRO_59 - interior design studio, Kalisz, Poland.
  • 24 November 2017 - 12 January 2018 -  Solo exhibition of paintings ,  AKucharskiArt Kunst & Persönlichkeit,  Kieferorthopädische Praxis • Dr. S. Birkner • Hamburg, Germany.      
  • 1 March 2017 - 31 July 2018 -  Solo exhibition of paintings,  AKucharskiArt Kunst & Persönlichkeit,  Sliema, Malta.
  •  21 April - 21 May 2017 -  Solo exhibition of paintings,  AKucharskiArt Kunst & Persönlichkeit,  Kieferorthopädische Praxis • Dr. S. Birkner • Hamburg, Germany.    
  • 9 - 31 January 2017 - 
  • solo exhibition of paintings. 
  • Defense of doctoral thesis. The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw Faculty of Painting and Sculpture "The paintings and emotions. Creation from the point of view of psychology and expression. " A PhD thesis in the field of fine arts. 
  • 24 June 2016 - 24 July 2016 - Solo exhibition of paintings,  AKucharskiArt Kunst & Persönlichkeit,  Kieferorthopädische Praxis • Dr. S. Birkner • Hamburg, Germany.                                           
  • 12 December 2015 - 8 January 2016 - Solo exhibition of paintings. 212! Lifestyle gallery - cafe, Sky Tower, Wroclaw.                                                                  
  • 22 October-15 of December 2015 - The National Painting exhibition contest "Young Laurel", First Prize, Sofitel Luxury Hotel, DNA Gallery Wroclaw.                                                     
  • 1-5 of December 2014 - Exhibition of paintings titled "Images and Emotions" the initiation of doctoral study at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław. Poland.
  • 7-30 of March 2014 - Exhibition of paintings titled "Elementary Particles", Gallery ODA, Piotrkow Trybunalski, Poland.        
  • 1-30 of September 2013 - Exhibition of paintings, Contemporary Art Gallery Jarek Cechmanowicz, Poznan. Poland.                                                                    
  • 11 July - 30 August 2013 - Exhibition of paintings titled "Lubiąż", will be held at Vernon Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic.                                                      
  • 30 May - 28 June 2013 - Opening of an exhibition of painting titled "Lubiąż", at the Polish Institute in Bratislava. Slovakia.
  • 6 of March 2013 - Painting Exhibition ‹Grand Hotel› in Łódź, Poland.                                          
  • 8 of October 2012 - Painting Exhibition on Diploma of The Year, The Competition of Lower Silesia Province Governor, BWA Awangarda, Wrocław.  
  • 22 of June 2012-  Diploma final exams, post-exam diploma "Znaki (Signs)", multimedia presentation "Dziewczynka co mieszkała raz wysoko albo całkiem nisko (The girl that once lived high or very low) ". BWA Wroclaw. Poland.  
  • 22 of March 2012 - Exhibition of paintings and drawings by Albertyna Kacalak titled "Signs" will be held at Malgosia Gallery, Wroclaw. Poland.

Selection of collective exhibitions 

  • 11 August 2023 - 11 September 2023- Exhibition of paintings by Albertyna Kacalak-Sicińska and Danuta Wiktoria Kacalak at the Belle Voci festival in Brzeg Dolny, Poland.
  • 1 June 2019 - Action Painting as part of the 11th LEO Festival "Live Music and Painting", NFM, Red Hall, Wroclaw
  • 18-22 June 2018 -  Show of A.Kacalak's works and diploma exhibition A.Kiszka. Galeria Miejska. Wroclaw. Poland.
  • 9 March - 29 April 2018 - "And we are after ESK (in english European capital of culture) Expressio. n, structure, color." Collective exhibition of the Wrocław community. BWA Wroclaw. Poland.
  • 20 October - 15 November 2015 - "Uninhabited of Art" - Exhibition of painting by Albertyna Kacalak, Victoria Kacalak, Mariusz Mikolajek, Waldemar Zamorski & others... Ruska 37/38 Street, Wroclaw.  
  • 10 July - 27 September 2015 - International Art Review OSTRALE'015,  "HANDLE WITH CARE", Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden.            
  • 9 of January 2015 - "Night of Biologists 2015" Workshop "Inspiring Insects". Presentation of "Movie art inpsired by nature - means artists and biologists go to the cinema" Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wrocław, Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw.                
  • 21-29 of September 2013 - International Exhibition, Kunstverein Buchholz, Germany.             
  • 29 June - 31 July 2013 - Exhibition of paintings in the Gallery Allerart in Bludenz, Austria.                     
  • 14 of March 2013 - Exhibition of works of associate professors and assistants E. Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw,  titled "Primavera", Arsenał Muzeum Miejskie Wrocław, Poland.           
  • 15-22 of September 2012 - IV Festival of Arts "City of Stars", Exhibition of Painting in Żyrardow, Poland.  
  • 13 of September 2012–13 of October 2012 - The 2nd Survey of Young Art. «Fresh Blood» Painting Exhibition in Socato Gallery, Wrocław, Poland.         
  • 8 of August 2012 - Exhibition of Painting in the Belchatow Cultural Center, Poland.                             
  • 9 of May 2012-  Exhibition of works by students of Wroclaw Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk "Bliskoznacznie", Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, Poland.                
  • 28 of October 2011 - Painting exhibition by Danuta Wikotria Kacalak & Albertyna Kacalak titled "Confrontations" ,opens in Środa Śląska, House of Culture ,Poland. 


  • 27 January 2016 - Nomination to Award of the Year 2015, Polish Fine Artist Society district of Wrocław (ZPAP okręg wrocławski)
  • 22 October-15 of December 2015 - Award - First Prize - The National Painting exhibition contest "Young Laurel", Sofitel Luxury Hotel, DNA Gallery Wroclaw.
  • 10 July - 27 September 2015 -  SelectionInternational Art Review OSTRALE'015,  "HANDLE WITH CARE", Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Dresden.
  • 8 of October 2012 - Award Diploma of The Year, The Competition of Lower Silesia Province Governor, Painting Exhibition in BWA Awangarda, Wrocław.
  • 15-22 of September 2012 - SelectionIV Festival of Arts "City of Stars", Exhibition of Painting in Żyrardow, Poland.


  • 18 December 2017 - Design of a CD book for a boys' choirordered by the National Forum of Music in Wrocław
  • 26 May 2017 -  A portrait of the well-known Polish composer Elisabeth Sikora, ordered by the National Forum of Music in Wrocław, links:                    and link
  • 9 April 2017 - Lending my photo of painting and design of musical instrument drawings on the cover plate of LutosAir Quintet,  and on the album the most beautiful quintets of the last few decades by FAZIL SAY, David Maslanka, Daan Janssens and Tadeusz Szeligowski. Realization of the recording - Andrzej Sasin and Aleksandra Nagórko, "Cobalt night" on the cover of Albertyna Kacalak.  link
  • 21 March 2017 -  Design a cover page for a PhD thesis of Ewa Mizerska titled:  Andre Jolivet flute art as a reflection of the composer's innovative search and aesthetic views. link