26 May 2017 - A portrait of the well-known Polish composer Elisabeth Sikora, ordered by the National Forum of Music in Wrocław.
9 April 2017 - Lending my photo of painting and design of musical instrument drawings on the cover plate of LutosAir Quintet, and on the album the most beautiful quintets of the last few decades by FAZIL SAY, David Maslanka, Daan Janssens and Tadeusz Szeligowski. Realization of the recording - Andrzej Sasin and Aleksandra Nagórko, "Cobalt night" on the cover of Albertyna Kacalak.
21 March 2017 - Design a cover page for a PhD thesis of Ewa Mizerska titled: Andre Jolivet flute art as a reflection of the composer's innovative search and aesthetic views.